My New Blog Schedule and Verdict on Book Tours

I'm the kind of person who usually goes into things head first. I never plan ahead despite a fact that I know (from experience) that it isn't often a positive thing. It was the same with blogging as well, when in February I decided I wanted to combine my two favorite things in the world; reading and writing. Okay, that is not accuret; I did wait out while I finished the book I was reading at the time, but that was all, I hadn't thought about how I was going to do it at all.. At any rate, I ended up coming up on the spot with everything. The name, the desigm, the posts... What's more I hadn't even read so many blogs before that, in fact barely one or two, therefore I barely had picture of what it really was, which, in retrospect, wasn't the wisest idea.

The point of this little rant is that neither did I have a schedule, which after a few month I realized I really needed thus I made one. However, due to my inexperience, it had way too many memes and features in it, not to mention that reviews got on being on-the-spot and as a result completely random. The outcome was a chaotic schedule-like scheme that I couldn't stick with (and so I often missed posts), sometimes bidding four posts a day, sometimes only one. Through the months, I had learned a lot even though I still have much to improve, and honestly, I believe one always has something new that they didn't know. For all these reasons I eventually worked out a better schedule with my somewhat-more-knowledge, with less posts so that I won't spam you all over. In fact, I have been trying it out for a couple of weeks and I believe it could work. So let me show you.


Review/Post/Book Tour (Review if I have, if not I will try to fit in some kind of post or participate in a book tour that day and not when I already have post(s) scheduled.)


Top Ten Tuesday/Teaser Tuesday/Tag/Test (If the Top Ten Tuesday topic doesn't suit.)


Next Week's Book Releases
Writing Wednesday




Let's Discuss!


Book Tour/Movie Review


Sunday Suspense
Sunday Post

Another thing (out of the many) that I did wrong because of being a newbie and a non-planner was when I became a zealot over Virtual Book Tours. I mean, they are awesome, aren't they? They draw attention to your blog and generate traffic while you can connect with authors, well kind of, get ARCs and participate in something bookishly social (that's not a word, is it? Why, now it is, I guess. :)) and important. Moreover, it's so much fun! However, it is also a great responsibility. Especially for the bloggers who run the sites and sell the tour packages to the authors. And for it, I was freakin' excited when I got to be a part of it. You can see it for yourselves since the whole blog is full of tour posts, blitzes, etc. Um, ooops.

Now I understand that it may be annoying for you, hell it's even annoying for me, especially since I don't want it to be the blog's profile. I didn't open Rebook424 to be a hubspot of excerpts and random book releases and people to come here for only giveaways. I would like it to be a lot more friendly and social and interactive with reveiws and discussions. And in order to come closer to that goal, I'm going to cut back on book tours and if I can, I will go for the reveiw post rather than an excerp. If that's not possible at the moment for some reason, then an interview or a guest post and sometimes I will feature an excerpt nevertheles, but fewer times. My ultimate plan is that I will host one single book tour/blitz/spotlight tops a week with rare exceptions if I really want to participate in one, becasue I anticipate the book that much. Although I can't put it into reality for a while yet, until all the ones I have already signed up for go down. Basically it will dwindle week by week from now on.

I hope it will improve the blog and you will find it a positive change. :) Bye for now.

Update: As you can see, an ad appeared under the menu bar. I assure you, it is not permanent, neither is it the kind of you can pay for to get your ad there. I'm only supporting the cause of  the author, Leah Clifford, who is recovering from an illness, but can't yet go back to work and being between manuscript, she needs money. She is also a critique thus if she could get a few more manuscript submissions, it would be a huge help for her. If you are willing to contribute with an ad, please Amber's post over at Me, My Shelf and I. Thank you!


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