I'm back!

I'm back! Well kind of. A few days ago my Internet died and I wan't able to post. Or live. I hadn't realize how big part Internet was of my life until I didn't have it any more. I mean, I had known it was big, but basically my life stopped without it. Mever mind. The point is although the Internet sill doesn't work, I have a temporary solution therefore I'll be able to post in a limited number - unfortunately. It's a shame since in the time that get freed, I came up with quite a few post ideas (which I failed to jut down and forgot the half of it), but the bright side is that at least I can allocate them to days and weeks so they'll last longer. Some of posts I'm planning to write:

- What does it mean to be part of a fandom?
- TFIOS movie review
- A femslash about book hangovers
- The phases of Internet deficit
- Beautiful Creatures film review (or at least an attempt)
- and more reviews, memes, features, etc.


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