Movie Review: The Fault in Our Stars

Hey there! How are you? Could you tell me please what the date is today? Thursday? Ugh. The week has passed so quickly. And I haven't finished Eve's Return yet which book I was to review today. Sorry, guys. However, I do have a deal. What about having TFIOS review today instead of Saturday and I will post Eve's Return on that day a.k.a I exchange the two reviews' dates. Deal? Great.

I saw The Fault in Our Starts a while ago, right the day after it had come out, but I haven't had the opportunity to talk about it yet as there was always something else to post/to discuss/to fangirl over and I'm super excited to finally do so, because I loved the movie! What's more I think this is about the first decent YA book adaptation of the year. I mean, yeah we did have some in 2013 as well as in 2014, but there were really few of them that was what we had expected. (*cough* City of Bones) Fortunately though, TFIOS brought great things and even more

However, maybe it's just because I hadn't read the book. Yes, you read it right, (please don't kill me) I hadn't, because I'm only getting to know contemporary since I used to think it wasn't for me and at the time I couldn't imagine reading about only love and topics that could happen in real life. (I was/am a huge paranormal groupie.) Despite myself, I was curious about the movie, because it was hyped and because it did interest me somewhat, not to mention that after seeing Shailene Woodley in Divergent - in which she didn't particularly impress me - I wanted to give her another chance.

And man, am I glad I did. She was amazing! In contrast how inexperienced and "simple" she appeared in Divergent, it's as if she had hidden her talent just to shine in TFIOS. Maybe it's just that this role suited her better. After all the two movies very different, Divergent being rather anaction movie with some romantic element whilst in TFIOS she had to portray a much wider scale of emotions and layers of human nature and frankly she did it well.

I don't know how much of it was she and how much the original Hazel Grace - once again without reading the book -, but I adored her snarkiness which, to me, was like a shield against all the horrible ordeals she had been enduring. Under that, though, she was caring and loving and funny, incredibly strong (cue stairs scene) and at the same time insecure like every teenager. Yet she was real, because she wasn't always like that. My throat constricted at the acceptance she showed toward her state, however, I imagine this is the only thing one can do at some point and it's not like she stopped fighting. For the most part.

Then there was Augustus whose outlook of life taught me so much.

And also, I doted on how he "the survivor" guided his friends, helped them and gave them solid ground. He wasn't perfect nonetheless with his one leg and initial fear on the plane, but that just made him even more adorable. Then the end(ish) part changed everything in a freakin' astonishing way. The answer for the 'why' that is unfortunately spoiler though, but since a great number of you have already seen it, I won't omit it completely, only mark it, so highlight if appliable. 

It was quite a shock when Gus told Hazel that his cancer came back, but apart from having a tube in his body all the time, nothing had really changed I wasn't very appalled. I mean, I knew he would eventually die, but everything seemed so okay. And then the car scene happened and it hit with full force. It was scary how distraught he was, and to learn how insecure he in fact was in the very core. And I haven't even gotten to the worse. He completely changed from one day to the other. He sort of gave up which was heart-breaking to no end. I wasn't happy about it to be honest, of course I wanted to see the veteran, strong, witty Gus, but I understood that it was realistic this way. Who would't react to being on the verge of death again, after theoritically having overcome it once like this? With surrendering?

Their relationship wasn't ordinary, nay it was the quirkiest one I have ever seen, but the most beautiful, too. It was naturally different for they are different, they have to count on losing the other without warning - which occassionally led to smaller disagreements between them even though they did handle it...I meant to say mature, but it was not mature as I am not sure if even some adults could cope with cancer like this. They talked about it freely, what's more joked about it. It was way more than mature. Perhaps the best expression would be they handled it with immense strength and positivity -, however it wasn't just this. It was who they were and who they were to each other. Maybe, that is what makes the story even sadder than it already is - they could have been together forever, and that's not something that everybody achieves in their life.

Did you know that "Okay"has a separated section on Google Images?

And at last, but not the least, although Isaac was rather a minor character, he wasn't any less than the main ones for sure. He might look like a geek a little for the first sight, but he will definitely show you how to get over your ex.

So on the whole, the only thing I would like to say is that I can't find any faults in The Fault in Our Stars and neither do I want and it taught me so much about life, it's one of those books/movies that changes the way you look at yours.


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