Sunday Suspense (18) - Some Fine Day by Kat Ross

Genre: Young Adult, Dystopia

Publisher: Strange Chemistry
Expected day of publication: July 1st, 2014

Formats: Paperback, Kindle Edition, eBook

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Sixteen-year-old Jansin Nordqvist is on the verge of graduating from the black ops factory known as the Academy. She's smart and deadly, and knows three things with absolute certainty:
 1. When the world flooded and civilization retreated deep underground, there was no one left on the surface.
 2. The only species to thrive there are the toads, a primate/amphibian hybrid with a serious mean streak.
 3. There's no place on Earth where you can hide from the hypercanes, continent-sized storms that have raged for decades.
Jansin has been lied to. On all counts.

I think...

It's not much information provided, however, that little is quite intriguing.

About the author:

Kat Ross
"I've always loved to read more than anything in the world, especially so-called genre stories—mysteries, fantasy, sci-fi, thrillers, horror. I like books that take you by the hand and lead you out of the mundane. That ease back the curtain and show you the wondrous and dark and unexpected lurking just around the next corner. I worked in journalism for a long time before I returned to writing fiction. Guess which is more fun?"

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