Hyped Books I Haven't Read (Not On My TBR list)

Yesterday I posted the hyped books (meaning: books that most of you know because they are all over the web-world and most of whom have read them are fond of them) that I haven't read, but on my TBR list. I promised that I'll post books that are NOT on my TBR list and here they are. (It doesn't mean it's a bad book [there isn't really such thing anyways] it just means that it didn't pique my curiosity/not my thing)

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So these are the ones. Though it can change yet. I'm open if you would willing to try to convince me. :)


  1. I've read Shiver, Vampire Academy, and Bloodlines, but I'm with you on the others. I see Julie Kagawa mentioned everywhere on all the lists and all the blogs and I think, "Oh, I should go check that out," and then I do and it just doesn't appeal to me.

    1. Actually I'm thinking about reading Vampire Academy myself. :) Anyways, the published books of Julie Kagawa don't appeal me either, but I've read an excerpt of her next book, Talon, which is a dragon story, and that one piqued my attention.


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